


I've always loved building things for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I'd spend hours creating ideas with my drawings and Lego. I vividly remember my tank invention that could make its own oxygen by burning fire underwater, splitting the H2 out, and storing the O (cut me some slack, I was 7). This invention would let you swim underwater for as long as you wanted, and I couldn't understand why nobody had thought of it before.

Anyway, I digress. Over the years, I have created numerous things with the help of many talented folks. From entertainment websites in the late '90s to early prototypes of mobile apps in the early 2000s, and even some of the first playable mobile games in the mid-2000s. I have designed games for K-Mart and created monetization game models. I have also built my own UX and visual designs and animations as needed. I'm obsessed with making great experiences for people to enjoy and to make their lives easier.

I'm an incredibly empathetic product manager, possibly stemming from a long-term hearing loss that taught me to understand people on an emotional level. My heart is in the creation of great experiences, working with talented and dedicated people, and finding joy in the launch of those ideas. I love coaching and learning. These are the things that make me happy in work and in life.

I'm most interested in usability, analytics (currently studying data engineering in my free time), and innovation. These are the things most important to me at work and what I hope to achieve in any opportunity I'm given.